IDSF European Formation Standard
It was their first time to participate in an international championship - and at the end of the day the Standard formation of OTK Schwarz-Weiß Berlin found themselves among Europe's top teams.
13 formations from nine countries were at the start in Moldavian
capital Chisinow, and while Codreanca were defending their European
Championship title, sending the World Champions 2006, Vera from
Tyumen (Russia) back to the silver rank, the 16 dancers from Berlin
were meeting all the expectations. As per the mutual consent of the
judges, the finals saw only four teams - one of them being the
Berlin formation, presenting their choreography "Emotions" in an
outstanding final. Eventually "Jantar" (Poland) occupied bronze,
however, from a sports point of view, the winning margin was a
small one.
Report: Thorsten Suefke
1. Kodryanka Kishinev, Moldavia 1-2-1-1-1-1-1
2. Vera Tyumen, Russia 2-1-2-2-2-2-2
3. Jantar Elblag, Pland 4-4-3-3-3-3-3
4. OTK Schwarz-Weiß 1922 at SC Siemensstadt Berlin, Germany
5. Impuls Cheljabinsk, Russia 5-3-6-5-5-5-5
6. Szilver TSE, Hungary 6-6-5-6-6-6-6
Text: DTV-Webteam
by Ulrike Sander-Reis Uhr