WC-Title for "Marsupilami" – Golden Day 2 at the JMD-WC
After three years the German team can rejoice over a world champions title again. The 14 girls from Freiburg came to the award ceremony as last children's formation. At this time parents and the whole German team, which had come to cheer, had already fallen into each other's arms. Previously the formation around trainer Heidi Gaess-Weber had danced confidently through the semi-final into the round of the last 5. Although it got a little hectic before the final, as only a few minutes were left between the announcement of the qualifiers and the participation in the final, but the choreography to "I am what I am" was a perfect fit and performed outstandingly. So the seven international judges had no chance but to let them win. As internationally common, the German judge,
Claudia Laser-Hartel presented the certificates and the WC cup. Then, for the first time, the German National Anthem was played in the Hotel Golebiewski in Mikolajki, Poland.
In the afternoon the two other children's formations and attracted the German fans to Hall 1 for the final in the modern tournament. "Little People" (TSG Bavaria Augsburg) and "Coco" (TG Bobstadt) competed in the final of the best 6 formations. "Die kleinen Leute" ("The Little People") from Augsburg improved again and proved that the participation in the final was well deserved (6th place). "Coco" convinced with a very light and synchrone performance. The reward was place 5 in this very strong field.
The children soloists Marie Ebert, Maya Simonov and Angelina Coppola performed convincingly in today's two rounds and qualified for the semi-final on Thursday (13 participants).
In the duo competition children's modern the two German couples
qualified for the next (final) round. Lea Panknin lost her speech
for joy that she belongs to the world-best duos with her partner
Marie Ebert just like Maya Simonov and Angelina Coppola.
In the Juniors the German fans rejoiced over the qualification of Anna Grünwald (TSG Bavaria Augsburg) fort he final, who showed a more than clean and impressive performance in the fourth round of the competition in the late afternoon .
Place 5 of 54 starters was the deserved success. Before this she had secured the semi-final in the jazz competition soloists. Her club mate Nina Knan reached place 11 in the modern competition of junior soloists. Both competed with five further girls from Augsburg in the semi-final of the small groups modern and qualified for the final. As second German group "l'équipe" (TSC Blau Gold Saarlouis) will be representing the German colours in the junior groups modern on Thursday evening.
Paul Linke (TGV Rosengarten-Lampertheim) reached 10th place in the modern tournament of male soloists juniors.
The adults followed the example of the youth: all modern soloists (Louisa-Sophie Brebeck, Anna Ziegler, Kristina Krieger and Theresa Meckel) of the German team not only "survived" the preliminary round, but also showed their best and make hope for outstanding performances in the quarter-final tomorrow. In the Jazz Solo Female Adults Louisa-Sophie Brebeck also qualified for the second round.
The day ended with another German medal: The ASV Wuppertal reached the silver medal. In the Ballet Formations Adults the Choreography to "Romeo and Julia" gained the vice world champions title.
by Stephanie Krüger Uhr