Sosunov/Kazarina win German Championship Juniors II Ten Dance
The best 24 juniors II couples met in Kamen. With five first
places in Standard and five second places in the latin dances Maxim
Sosunov/Evgeniya Kazarina won their first German championship in
the combination. The first of the latin section, Ilja
Schäfer/Christina Zelt, got in total the title of the
vice-champion. The third place went to Daniel Artur Kolosin /
Alexandra Elert. (Photo: Hey)
1. Maxim Sosunov/Evgeniya Kazarina, Art of Dance Köln
2. Ilja Schäfer/Christina Zelt, Viktoria Golden Dance Berlin
3. Daniel-Artur Kolosin/Alexandra Elert, Rot-Weiß-Klub Kassel
4. Daniel Rothe/Katarina Bauer, TSC Dortmund
5. Richard Gruber/Irina Awick, TSC Rot-Weiß Öhringen
6. Constantin Henkel/Sofia Gorbatchev, Rot-Weiß-Klub
by Heidi Estler Uhr