WC-JMD: Conclusion With Seven Final Participations for German Dancers
Gold and Silver in Ballet
The dancers needed a good night's sleep, as the duos and soloists adults opened the last WC day in Mikolajki, Poland. At 9.40 a.m. the first decision was made in the male soloists modern. Patrick Griebel (TSC Blau Gold Saarlouis) showed his memorable choreography in front of the seven judges. Before the result was announced at the award ceremony he danced with his duo partner Kristina Haar into the semi-final modern. Sascha Hoffmann/Katja Geisler (TV 90 Berlin) and Marcelo Morales/Louisa-Sophie Brebeck (ASV Wuppertal) also reached the round of the twelve - Frederic Ney/Anna Ziegler (TSC Blau Gold Saarlouis) reached place 15 in the quarterfinal.
Louisa-Sophie Brebeck also had to change quickly between the floors: first she danced her semi-final in the female modern soloists and reached place 8. Together with her sister Kyra-Anna she qualified for the ballet duo in the evening. Together with Marcelo she reached the final round as only of the four German duos. Patrick Griebel/Anna Ziegler ended the tournament duo modern on place 8 and shared this with Sascha Hoffmann/Katja Geisler.
Before the award ceremony of the finals in the morning, Raphael Gruchott danced to place 1 in the ballet competition soloists. Patrick Griebel was pleased about place 6 and Marcelo/Louisa reached place 5 in the duos. The joy about these deserved places was visible on all faces.
In the closing gala the German fans were able to support four further German final participations loudly and with black-red-golden flags.
First the Brebeck sisters showed a very good ballet performance and cheered over the vice championship in adult duos. The largest surprise happened in the female soloists. After Kristina Krieger (SV Eidelstedt) was the last German of the former four German dancers, she convinced once again although she herself was not happy with the final round. She cheered all the more after her result on place 4; in view of the overwhelming dancers from Slovenia, South Africa and Norway this was the best-possible placement.
To conclude the WC the decisions in the modern formations juniors and adults took place. First the dancers up to 15 years danced for the world champions' title. "l'équipe" (TSC Blau Gold Saarlouis) presented themselves as German Champions in best form and the trainers were also very pleased. In the end the young team did not lose a medal, but won a well-deserved fourth place. The WC title went to South Africa, who have caught up tremendously in the past years and displaced the subscribers to the title, Slovania, to the following places.
In the formations adults the spectators and judges agreed: the Slovenian national team won, just as the previous year. Vice Champions were South Africa and bronze went to Poland. And the two German teams?
"Arabesque" (ASV Wuppertal) and "autres choses" (TSC Blau Gold Saarlouis) danced a very strong final round. The presentations were spot on and so the places next to the podium, place 4 for "autres choses" and 6 for "Arabesque", were an international recognition for the performance. Only Poland also managed to get two teams to the final.
The German dancers celebrated the completion of the WC very happily and packed up to head home. See you again in a year's time, when WC Jazz and modern will take place again in Mikolajki on December 6th, 2015.
by Stephanie Krüger Uhr