Pasechnik/Arndt in Grand Slam Final
"Pavel und Marta danced outstandingly and left good couples behind them", was the report from national sports director Michael Eichert from Shanghai. He meant Pavel Pasechnik/Marta Arndt, who had qualified for the WDSF Grand Slam Final Round and reached the final and place 6.
WDSF Grand Slam Finale Latin 2014:
1. Gabriele Goffredo/Anna Matus, Moldavia
2. Armen Tsaturyan/Svetlana Gudyno, Russia
3. Charles-Guillaume Schmitt/Elena Salikhova, France
4. Andrey Kiselev/Anastasia Kiseleva, Russia
5. Yury Simachev/Anastasia Klokotova, Russia
6. Pavel Pasechnik/Marta Arndt, TSC Astoria Karlsruhe
by Stephanie Krüger Uhr