A New Dimension in the Fight against Doping
The first anti-doping conference of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) on 14. September 2007 in Frankfurt marked a milestone in the fight against doping. How seriously Germany's elite sport associations take the doping issue was shown by the attendance of more than 250 delegates from all (without an exception) DOSB member associations. Not less than 20 high-ranking experts who spearhead the fight against doping, among them professors from the faculties of sports medicine and law from universities throughout Germany, the chairman of the National Anti-doping Agency, the man at the top of German doping controllers, the team physician of the German Olympic team, the director of the anti-doping lab in Cologne and - last but not least - the parliamentary state secretary of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, were invited by DOSB to speak about all aspects of doping and anti-doping. The conference was facilitated by Dr. Michael Vesper, Director General of DOSB, and financed with the help of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
After the welcome speech of DOSB vice president Eberhard
Gienger, Dr. Thomas Bach spoke out clearly for success - but
against "dirty victories" in his opening speech for part I of the
conference - " Legal Foundations". He also stated that DOSB was
following a strict "zero tolerance policy" when it comes to doping.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haas, chair of the National Anti-Doping Committee
and arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne
(CAS), gave a presentation on the regulatory framework and the
development of the WADA and NADA Codes, followed by Klaus Pöhle,
Ministerialdirigent at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, who
lectured on the German Medicines Law as recently amended.
Part II of the conference, "The doping control system",
started with a presentation by the NADA Director Dr. Christoph
Niessen and the executive of the German doping controllers, Dr.
Helmut Pabst on the subject, followed by Prof. Dr. Wilhelm
Schänzer, Director of the Laboratory for Doping Analysis German
Sports University Cologne, with his presentation on various aspects
of doping, including test methods, gene doping, doping traps,
illegal additives and contamination of dietary supplements and
regenerative products. Eventually, the district court president and
president of the German Ski Association (DSV) Dr. Franz Steinle
talked about the Missed Test Policy and the consequences athletes
are facing in case of a no-show at spot checks during training
without having checked out with the NADA.
Selected top sports associations were given the opportunity
to present their anti-doping measures in part IV of the conference,
"Best Practise and Doping Prevention". DOSB spokesperson Claudia
Bokel made very clear that in order to support "clean" athletes,
anti-doping measures and the fight against doping were of
significant importance to be able to counter the generalized public
image of doping suspicion built up by the media against top
athletes with a strong evidence of negative doping controls. Dr.
Christa Thiel, president of the German Swimming Association (DSV)
and Prof. Dr. Walter Schmitt of the University of Bayreuth
presented the latest blood profiles of the athletes of the German
Swimming Association, followed by a presentation of Dr. Anne Jakob
on the new agreement of the members of the German Athletics
Association (DLV) and Dr. Bernd Wolfahrt, who introduced the "
Athlete's Passport" - hot off the presses - and the medical
database of the DSB . Last but not least, Dr. Rolf Müller,
president of the Hessian Federal Sports Association, and Ingo Rolf
Weiss talked about doping prevention in Germany's sports
associations and the German Sport Youth.
The conference was DOSB's largest informative event on doping
and anti-doping ever, and the presentations repeatedly interrupted
by lively discussions. The German Dancesport Association DTV was
represented by the DTV physician, DTV's anti-doping representative
Thomas Wirth and German Sports Director Michael Eichert.
Text: DTV-Webteam
by Ulrike Sander-Reis Uhr