Further Success Announcements from the Czech Republic


Further Success Announcements from the Czech Republic

Last weekend WDSF-tournaments also took place in Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic. For the DTV the following successes were announced: in the Seniors I Standard section, Rene und Heike Seyboth reached the final and reached place for as double-starters. In their own age group, Seniors II, they left the floor as winners. The places three to five also went to German couples: Norbert Jäger/Beate Christi...

Last weekend WDSF-tournaments also took place in Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic. For the DTV the following successes were announced: in the Seniors I Standard section, Rene und Heike Seyboth reached the final and reached place for as double-starters. In their own age group, Seniors II, they left the floor as winners. The places three to five also went to German couples: Norbert Jäger/Beate Christine Jäger-Eberhardt (3.), Peter Birndorfer/Christina Pothfelder (4.) as well as Holger Wenzel/Sabine Linke (5.) were very pleased about their placements in the final. A further victory was secured by Michael and Beate Lindner in the Seniors III Standard.  Together with them in the final, Alexander and Barbara Valko reached fifth place before Marius and Barbara Torka on place six.

by Stephanie Krüger Uhr

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