Philipp Hanus/Siri Kirchmann in the final
World Championship PD 10-dance
13 couples from seven nations came to the congress centre in Böblingen to choose the new world champion 10-dance of the Professional Division. In three rounds the couples showed their talent in both disciplines, in the evening event they were even dancing to live music within the scope of a festive ball. All couples and especially the final couples were supported outstandingly by the enthusiastic audience.
Philipp Hanus/Siri Kirchmann (TSZ Stuttgart-Feuerbach) were dancing a strong competition and showed their best performance in the final. Not only their fans were disappointed when they were called already for the 4th place at the award ceremony. New world champions became the French couple Steeve Gaudet/Marioara Cheptene.
Final result:
1. Steeve Gaudet/Marioara Cheptene, Frankreich (20)
2. Pavel Lopatin/Olga Lillo, Russland (25)
3. Misa Cigoj/Nika Bagon, Slowenien (35)
4. Philipp Hanus/Siri Kirchmann, TSZ Stuttgart-Feuerbach (37)
5. Kirill Smolin/Tatiana Pugacheva, Russland (39)
6. Anton Silantev/Olga Akopova, Russland (54)
by Sonja Schäufler Uhr