Gutmann/Matthes win in Noordhoek
Results from the Netherlands
In the Dutch town Noordhoek a large WSDF tournament was carried out in a church! The couples reported a great atmosphere and excellent acoustic. Matching the location were the trophies: chandeliers. Jörg Gutmann/Isabel Matthes won the Seniors I tournament, Tobias and Erika Neugebauer came fourth and Christian and Veronika Schauer came seventh. In the Seniors II Standard, Peter and Meike Fröhlingsdorf were pleased with second place; Rolf and Iris Pernat came fourth. In the Seniors III Wolfgang Walter/Ilse von Beyer reached the second podium rank, Franz-Josef and Lioba Kirchhoff came fourth, Wolfgang Koschier/Birgit Fehrmann-Koschier fifth. In the Seniors IV Standard the silver medal went to a German couple: Hans-Wolfgang and Angelika Scheuer. Joachim and Gisela Götze came fifth. In the Seniors II Latin Marc Becker/Nicole Giersbeck came second, Olaf Wittka/Tanja Bracht came fifth. German couples dominated the final of the Seniors II Latin: Rolf and Iris Pernat were winners, second place went to Ullrich and Carmen Sommer, third were Olaf Wittka/Tanja Bracht. Eric and Nicole Scharnewski reached seventh place in the final.
by Stephanie Krüger Uhr