Meeting in Stuttgart
The Managing Committee of the European association DanceSport
Europe, which was founded at the German Open Championship a year
ago, met during the GOC in Stuttgart in order to discuss strategic
themes and topical issues. For the topic public relations Heidi
Götz was in invited, who is in charge of PR in the presidium of the
World Dancesport Association. The Managing Committee agreed to set
up an own website for DanceSport Europe and to link it to the
WDSF-Homepage. A logo shall also be developed which will inspired
by the WDSF-logo. Further projects are a meeting with the members
of the WDSF presidium, in order to discuss mutual themes.
On the picture: Zoltan Sandor, Christian Zamblera, Robert
Wota, Leena Liusvaara, Heidi Estler, Eva Bartunkova (left to
by Stephanie Krüger Uhr