29th Super-Kombi Congress Enzklösterle
On the first weekend in April, the 29th Super-Kombi Congress organized by the Dancesport Federation of Baden-Württemberg took place in Enzklösterle. Three days packed with Standard, Latin, Dance of the Year, dancing with children and general lectures were presented to 439 participants. Despite the “even” year, in which no renewal is necessary, Michael Grether, Education Director of TBW, welcomed a record number of participants. Various lecturers and demonstration couples inspired the participants with their ‘magic feet’ – the subject of the year.
The demonstrations by the couples were highly precise, accurate and elegant during the lectures by Martina Wessel-Therhorn, Dagmar Beck, Klaus Bucher and Joachim Krause in Standard as well as by Horst Beer and Holger Nitsche in Latin. Lectures on general topics were given by Dr. Wolfgang Friedrich, Peter Brandt and Katja Herwerth. They were also considered very helpful and diversified.
Long Applause and standing ovation were given to the TBW regional team consisting of Simone Segatori / Annette Sudol, Anatoly Novoselov / Tasja Schulz-Novoselov and Dominik Stöckl / Katharina Belz in Standard and Marius Andrei Balan / Krystyna Moshenska, Timus Imametdinov / Nina Bezzubova, Maxim Stepanov / Ksenja Rybina and Marek Bures / Anastasia Khadjeh-Nouri.
The comperes and chairman of adjudicators were trained by rhetoric specialist Peter Brandt, who was become integral part of the Super-Kombi, in the subjects of quick wittedness, attack and swimming around. Hendrik Heneke explained the new electronic sport administration (ESV) and answered all questions.
Andreas Krug / Martina Mroczek presented new items in Discofox for the general sport, furthermore they substituted Bernd Junghans in West Coast Swing, who had to cancel his participation due to illness. A new Dance of the Year was also elected. Anita Pocz gave new ideas and thrilling music to dance trainers of children. Also a training for the DTSA was offered by Maritta Böhme, Director of General Sport of the TBW.
The 30th Super-Kombi Congress Enzklösterle will take place on the weekend after easter 2017.
by Peter Chen Uhr