Jazz und Modern/Contemporary
Finally – four more participations in finals for Team Germany
World Championship JMD/The aspiration for medals is increasing…

Saturday will be exciting. Seven new World Champions will be chosen. Among them are also five German candidates.
autres choses modern and Arabesque modern (ASV Wuppertal) already have reached their finals. So the German Champion and the second in the national competition qualified for the final round in the category Groups Adults Modern. In the category Formations Adults Modern only the German Champion autres choses (TSC Blau-Gold Saalouis) made to the round of the last six.
In the solo competitions male and female on Saturday Magdalena Dudek (SVE Hamburg) and Leon Morosch (TG Bobstadt) will be dancing for a medal. In both sections the current title holders will not be dancing!
by Sonja Schäufler Uhr