Köhler / Ferruggia World Champions PD Standard
1800 spectators watched the exciting final in Leipzig
Claudia Köhler and Benedetto Ferruggia won against 36 couples from 19 countries and became World Champions Standard. The last year's Vice-Champions fulfilled their role as frontrunners and left their strongest rivals Donatas Vezelis and Lina Chatkeviciute on rank two. Marco Cavallaro and Letizia Ingrosso from Italy reached the third place. Over 1800 spectators had come to watch the exciting final...
by Kristina Scibor

Ferriggia /Köhler Win In Rimini
Benedetto Ferrugia and Claudia Köhler souvereignly won the WDSF PD Super Grand Prix in Italy. 27 couples were competing. Ferrugia/Köhler dominated the very strong final. They even won with a distance of 2 points. 1. Benedetto Ferruggia / Claudia Koehler, Germany 2. Emanuel Valeri / Tania Kehlet, Denemark 3. Donatas Vezelis / Lina Chatkeviciute, Lithuania 4. Marco Cavallaro / Letizia Ingrosso,...
by Kristina Scibor

Otlile Mabuse wins the Golden Crown of Bad Pyrmont
From the glamorous setting of the historical palace garden of Bad Pyrmont the NDR transmitted live the World Cup of the Professionals Latin. 24 couples from 14 nations had been travelling half the world in parts to take part in this competition. Not much after midnight the winner was announced: Vitali Panteleev/Angelina Nechkhaeva from Russia won the championships in front of Juri Kagan/Anastasia ...
by Sonja Schäufler

Segatori/Sudol and Pasechnik/Arndt winner in Singapur
For Simone Segatori/Annette Sudol and Pavel Pasechnik/Marta Arndt the long journey to Singapore has been worth it. Both couples dominated their fields, won their competitions and in addition were celebrated frenetically for their performance by the audience. Segatori/Sudol won the WDSF Open Standard competition, Pasechnik/Arndt the WDSF PD Latin competition. The BD Dance World Superstars Dancespor...
by Sonja Schäufler

Listings an detailed timetable online
29th German Open Championship
The listings for the 41 competitions are online. The listings can be found on "Program / Listings" or click on "Navi" and then on " Listings". The detailed timetable for all competitions is also online. It can be found on "Program"or click on "Navi" and then on " Timetable". The times for registration for all competitions are now included in the timetable. It can also be downloaded as PDF for each...
by Petra Dres

Title successfully defended
Benedetto Ferruggia / Claudia Köhler win European Cup
23 Paare of the Professional Division came into the historic city hall to dance the European Cup which was organised at the DanceComp for the second time. With all first placings Benedetto Ferruggia / Claudia Köhler defended their title. Runners up was the fourth placed couple from the European Championship, Marco Cavallaro / Letizia Ingrosso. The third place went to Isaia Berardi / Cinzia Birare...
by Peter Chen

Vice European Champions Pasechnik / Arndt
European Championships WDSF PD Latin
In Olomuc (Czeck Republic), 35 latin couples of the Profesional Division competed at the European championships. Amongst them were newcomers Pavel Pasechnik / Marta Arndt. They were frontrunners from the beginning on and came second with two third and three second places in the final. Final results: 1. Andrey Zaytsev / Elizaveta Cherevichnaya, Russland (5) 2. Pavel Pasechik / Marta Arndt, TSC As...
by Kristina Scibor

Registration deadline for GOC
29th German Open Championship
The deadline for the registration for the 29th German Open Championships is June, 30th, 2015. The fee will be €30 per couple. As of July 1st, 2015 you will have to pay €40 per couple. So log in before the registration deadline and you will save money. In case you cancel your competition participation, reimbursement of entry fee is only possible until June 30th, 2015 (registration deadline). To re...
by Petra Dres

General meetings WDSF and WDSF-PD
Delegatee met in Spanish Granada
In Granada, Spain, the WDSF Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on the cloudy and comfortable cool Sunday. The delegatee of Tanzsport Deutschland were president Heidi Estler and vice president Dr. Tim Rausche. National sports director Michael Eichert took part as second vice president of the WDSF. Besides some unproblematic alterations and supplements in the Rules as well as in anti-doping and...
by Sonja Schäufler

Marius Iepure/Otlile Mabuse 6th at World Championship Showdance
In Austrian Vienna Marius Iepure/Otlile Mabuse reached the 6th place in the final of nine couples. World Champion became the Austrian couple Vadim Garbuzov/Kathrin Menzinger. 15 couples from seven nations have been taking part.
by Sonja Schäufler