Another World Champion Title: Grün-Gold-Club Bremen
They made it to half a dozen: Grün-Gold-Club Bremen won its sixth title in front of 5000 spectators in Bremen with their choreography "West Side Story". Again, the new judging system 2.0 was used. Bremen danced as second and got 39,07 points out of 40. The Russians Vera from Tyumen, who danced first, only brought it to 36,30 points. Bremen had already led far in front of the other Russian team Due...
by Kristina Scibor
“In constant touch” – a world champion premiere
TSC Braunschweig wins 10th world champion title
"Did he remain true to his philosophy to create a masterpiece once again?" That was the big question behind the secret of the new choreography of the TSC Braunschweig A-team formation. After a fabulous world championship in the Volkswagen hall in Braunschweig, in which 18 teams from ten different nations participated, one can confidently answer this question with "Yes!". With "In constant touch" t...
by Sonja Schäufler