WDSF Multi-Discipline Congress in Stuttgart
Auch für Formationswertungsrichter
The main focus of the congress shall be the new Judging System
2.1. This year's congress will focus on :
1. Changes made in the Judging System.
2. The development of Performance Assessment Standard(PAS) to
support the judging system.
3. Our team of lecturers will further elaborate on the
technical details of the PAS.
Adjudicators attending the congresses will be given an added qualification on Judging System 2.1. This can be taken as an advance training and the qualification will be taken into consideration during the judges selection by the Sports Commission.
The schedule of the congress is as follows:
Day 1 - Saturday 9 Aug 2014 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Formation
DanceSport and ShowDance
Attendees to this congress will meet the prerequisite for
selection to judge the Formation and ShowDance Championships.
Licensed judges who have attended the Formation and ShowDance
Congress in Stuttgart last year will have the added qualification
for 2 years for 2013 and 2014. However as we are introducing the
enhanced training system for judging, you are encourage to take
part in this year's congress again.
Hinweis: Formationstrainer und Formationswertungsrichter
sind zu diesem Lehrgang zugelassen, aber ohne Anrecht auf eine
Day 2 - Sunday 10th Aug 2014 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Advance Training on Judging System 2.1 Part I
Day 3 - Monday 11th Aug 2014 11:00 pm to 5:00 pm - Advance Training on Judging system 2.1 Part II
This congress will provide an in depth understanding of the WDSF Judging system 2.1 and the assessment system. Participants who wish to attend this congress should attend both Day 2 and Day 3 and receive an added qualification as an accreditation of skills.
Day 4 - Sunday 17 Aug 2014 - Chairman's Congress
09.30 am to 12.30 pm - Licensed Chairman
01.30 pm to 05.00 pm - New Applicants
All participants for the Adjudicator's congress can choose to
attend only Day 1 or Day 2 and 3 or all 3 days. The cost is as
1. 1 day CHF 100 (day 1) / EURO 85.
2. 2 days CHF 160 (day 2 and 3) / EURO 130.
3. 3 days CHF 200 / EURO 160.
Hinweis für deutsche Wertungsrichter: Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Anmeldung an die DTV-Geschäftsstelle. Der DTV wird alle Teilnehmer gesammelt an die WDSF melden.
von Petra Dres Uhr